Mariothon, CO is composed of a group of passionate adults that love Mario! So we thought, hey, let's inspire while we have fun at the same time. You have stumbled upon the greatest Mario-obsessed group in Colorado. Here, we strive to entertain you with Mario games (and other requests). We will be holding marathons (aptly named Mariothons) several times a year, usually in the Spring, Summer and Winter.     Each Mariothon event will focus on one specific charity.

Thanks for stopping by, and we hope you stick around! :)

Mariothon - April, 2012

$1,520 for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital

Team Green - $800

Team Red - $719.99

Mariothon 2 - September, 2012

$2,752 for OAR (Organization for Autism Research)

Team Tadpole - $1,001.69

Team Mario - $925.69

Team Zelda - $824.69

Mariothon 3 - December 2012

$2,940 for AAH (Action Against Hunger)

Team Galaxy - $1,597.70

Team Sunshine - $1,342.30

Mariothon 4 - July 4-7, 2013

Team Yoshi - $1,025.40

Team Kirby - $744.29

Mariothon 5 - 2014

Send all comments, complaints, suggestions, revelations, memes, and secret identities to We love fan mail!